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Friday, September 14, 2007

First win on New Trading Platform

Recently, I found a trading platform called MB Trading that requires only $1 commission per contract (for options). I used to trade with (and still using) optionsXpress, but the commission is at least $14.95.

I just tried using MB Trading and managed to squeeze out my first win on this platform. Here's the details:

1. Underlying Stock: FMC, trading ~93.00
2. FMC's stock is spliting 2:1, payable on 13/9 and executing on 14/9.
3. Buy to Open @ 93.06 and Sell to Close @ 93.57
4. I bought FMC Oct 90 Call at 5.30 and sold at 5.70: 7.5% profit in 42 minutes.

Typically, if I trade only 1 contract with gross profit $40 (based on the same trade), I will only make $10.10 (= $40 - 2 comm x $14.95). But now, with MB Trading, I can make $38 (commission summed up to only $2). So if you are a new options trader and trade small number of contracts, it's good to use MB Trading. Otherwise, optionsXpress is excellent for big time traders.

ps: Please note MB Trading doesn't support options spread (MB Trading is incorporating the spreads within 2 to 3 months). Anyway, the spread order (up to 4 legs) optionsXpress also costs only $14.95, so it's not too bad and OX has excellent trading infrastructure.

pps: When I trade, I usually look into the ROI percentage rather than the absolute amount. You may not think $40 is any great; but if you see 7.5% return in 42 minutes, you'll know what I mean!

ppps: Imagine you are buying stock of FMC @ 93.06 and selling it @ 93.57, your ROI is only 0.5% compared to 7.5% through trading options. You do the math.

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