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Saturday, November 24, 2007

Millionaire Mind Intensive (SG) - Day 1

Just want to share what I've learnt today... Some key concepts include:

1. Your money zone is your comfort zone. To expand your money zone, you have to change your mindset to win the money game.

= Working Income + Savings + Investments + Passive Income + Simplify

3. Separate your income into different accounts for specific purposes

4. Always Pay Yourself First. Our part-time business is managing and investing money, and creating passive income streams.

5. Do a declaration by touching your heart (or chest) and point to your head and say 'I have a millionaire mind'!

6. Your Physical world is a printout of your Mental, Emotional and Spirtual World. So, to permanently change your outer world is to first change your inner world.

7. The Process of Manifestion:
Thoughts -> Feelings -> Actions = Results

8. 3 methods of Conditioning:
Verbal Programming, Modelling & Specific Incidents

9. Motivation for money should be based on purpose and joy vs. fear, anger or proving yourself.

10. 'I rule money, money doesn't rule me.'

11. 3 steps to change:
Awareness, Understanding & Reconditioning

Finally, How You Do Anything is How You Do Everything!

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